Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So I'm back from YAR..

and I am just so behind on my blogs again! haha. and i just can't sleeeep. but i just.. man, you just had to be there.. Imagine feeling incredible and everything wonderful.. combine it, and multiply that by 239733 etc. haha thats about how im feeling right now.. I mean ok! you gotta know!

When it gets tough and you feel like you can't go on, and the world just pushes you to your knees- it is at that time when you are in the perfect position to pray. There is nothing more fulfilling than a life centered on a loving, prayerful relationship with Christ. Everything else is just fleeting, temporary, finite.. Know, that you are beautiful, even if the world says you arent, even if you don't believe you are, even when you fail, you are beautiful. And GOD LOVES YOU! Amazingly! Unfathomably! And so many wonderful, indescribable emotions that, at the moment, i cannot put words to!

Retreat.. At times.. Is just what we need. To retreat.. Even when we don't know it, or feel like it. Escape from this materialistic, "busy", harsh world sometimes people! You need to! Take the time to just be with Him.. Because HE is all you need. Let me ask you.. When you become a slave to "things".. then what? Where will you be when all those "things" become obsolete? When you have God, Christ, Lord Jesus with you, "things" no longer enslave you. And it is THEN when you can be free! And I could go on and on and on on on o ononoonononoonon, but you just HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO experience this love to begin to understand the feeling.. He's working through me and through millions upon billions of people and things for you to feel it. To love.. Until then.. Just LOVE LOVE LOVE! Like Jesus proclaimed, The Beatles spoke and said, "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" and GOD IS LOVE.

well, its about that time.. Until then! God Bless!


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